Code 4 has a long history of working with not-for-profits (NFPs). It’s always been important for us to do work that does good, and to help our clients get the strongest results possible.
We’ve worked to assist NFPs with everything from website production and hosting, to helping them take advantage of opportunities such as the Google Grants program – which provides $10,000 in free Google Ads funding every month to eligible charities.
At Code4 we’re especially proud of our work with our NFP partners, so we thought we’d give you a snapshot of a few of them.
This is the first post in our ‘Code4Good‘ series, where we’ll be introducing some of our favourite NFP clients, and showing how we’re helping them make a difference.
Literacy For Life Foundation
More than 40% of Aboriginal adults have low literacy. It’s the vision of the Literacy for Life Foundation to change that. While a community’s literacy levels are low, any attempt to overcome disadvantage faces enormous challenges, so improving literacy is one of the best steps that can be taken to close the inequality gap.
Started by Professor Jack Beetson, a Ngemba man from western New South Wales, the foundation uses evidence-based techniques, proven effective in Timor, Argentina and Bolivia. The Literacy For Life team are applying these insights to Australian communities, and are being met with great success – achieving results more than four times better than existing programs.
Learn more about the Literacy For Life Foundation’s work.
Food Water Shelter
Started in 2005, Food Water Shelter runs the eco-friendly Kesho Leo Children’s Village, in the Arusha region of Tanzania, close to Mount Kilimanjaro. In a community with high levels of poverty, and high rates of violence, the village offers secure homes to mothers and children in need, and provides educational, social and health facilities for hundreds of local children. Their eco-friendly approach, and focus on clear, measurable goals makes them stand out as one of our favourite NFPs.
Learn more about Food Water Shelter.
Street Library
A social project started in 2015 which aims to foster closer communities and a love of reading by setting up networks of privately owned, local libraries – completely open to the community. The concept is simple: You set up a Street Library Box in your front yard, the community fills it with books, and then you’re ready to go! It’s a great way of recycling your books back into the community. Inspired by Little Free Libraries in the USA where they have over 35,000 community libraries, the Australian spin-off is spreading fast, and working hard to bring communities together.
Start your own Street Library, or find out more.